Thursday, July 31, 2008

Warming up

Hi everyone! Welcome to the world of sheila turned martha. The year isn't over and it's already been quite eventful. I could blabber all about it but to sum it up, the chunk of our year has been comprised of three major things:

1) getting married
2) getting pregnant
3) moving houses thrice

It took a while for all these to sink in, but being forced to be home in bed for almost a quarter of the year helped accept these changes. For those who've known me for a long time, I'm quite the busy bee - and being settled down (and i mean SETTLED) isn't exactly what you'd expect from a person like me. How's it been so far, though? Different. You see, after getting married, I saw myself on the fast track still. Since Jorem (the hubby) and I are in the same field, I expected us to be shooting around, traveling, working and living in the city, finally free from my parents’ jurisdiction. Bwahahahaha.


Ok, so it's not really how I expected things would turn out, but honestly - it's been great so far. :)
Somehow, there's a certain sense of security and contentment in being settled down, a sense of peace and belonging and home. While there's truth to enjoying singlehood while you're still "free", marriage has given me a kind of freedom beyond single life ever did. I'm enjoying things I never thought I'd enjoy before (keeping the kitchen and bedroom clean, thinking of what new recipe to experiment on for dinner, buying monay for Jorem, growing an herb garden in the lanai, drooling over house stuff and baby clothes over shopping for my own closet, etc.). I never even saw myself staying in Imus after getting married. As far as I knew, I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could! But now we're here, and I can honestly say I'm loving it. :)

Anyway, I opened this blog because there have been so many things I've been discovering since I became Mrs. Catilo. Although I'm no expert in this particular field just yet, it's just nice to be able to share the perks and the quirks of being a wife and soon enough, a mom. naks!

Lastly, I just want to say that it's amazing how we keep trying to plot our own lives convinced we know what's best for us, when in the end God turns things around to show us He knows us better. And it's only when we submit to His will and let it prevail that we truly experience the joy of living our lives as it should be. :)